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BINBAO SLA-цуврал цаасан өнхрөлтөөс нарийн өнхрөх зүсэх эргүүлэх машин
High speed,stable running,automatic tension control,intelligent PLC control system,easy operating,CE certificated by SGS
SLA-series slitting rewinding machine is an idea equipment for cutting
paper jumbo roll into various width small rolls to reach rolls feeding
manufacturing machine requirements. It not only can cut general paper
roll,also work on the laminated and coated paper rolls material for
printing and packaging products manufacturing.
- Тодорхойлолт
- Үзүүлэлт
- Холбогдох
- Үйлчлүүлэгчдийн үйлдвэр аялал
- Тусламж
High speed,stable running,automatic tension control,intelligent PLC control system,easy operating,CE certificated by SGS
The SLA-series slitting rewinding machine is an idea equipment for cutting paper jumbo roll into various width small rolls to reach rolls feeding manufacturing machine requirements. It not only can cut general paper roll,also work on the laminated and coated paper rolls material for printing and packaging products manufacturing.
Siemens PCL Control System:The high level intelligent and automatic control system make the machine operating easy and running stable. The automatic tension control and automatic stop function improve machine productivity capacity. It is easily to operate in the HMI touch screen. | Цахилгаан хяналтын кабинет: The electrical control components are selected from well-known brands. The control circuit layout is simple and clear, which is convenient for maintenance and adjustment. |
Three Servo Motors: Servo motors drive the rewinding shafts and all driving rollers, with strong power and high-speed cutting 20-400gsm paper rolls.Servo motor is controlled by frequency converter to ensure stable speed | SKD-11 Slitting Knives: SKD-11 is a tool steel made of high carbon and high chromium alloy. After high temperature quenching and fine grinding, this steel has sharpness, strong toughness, and high temperature fatigue resistance. The round blade slitting knives made of this steel is very sharp, durable, stable in size, and high in slitting precision. |
Slitting Surface:Because the rewinding shafts output tension stable,so after slitting and rewinding rolls surface is very flat and smooth,these finish rolls are tight and hard.The slitting precision can reach ±0.2mm | Web Edge Control: The machine adopt high precision paper web edge control system,which can automatic detect the paper web edge and adjust the position to correction. The detector sensors are optional,not only detect the web edge,also can detect the printing line in the paper web. |
Why choose Binbao Machine SLA series paper jumbo roll slitting rewinding machine?
Binbao machinery is a professional manufacturer of paper slitting rewinding machine,paper roll to sheets cutting machine. We only focus on manufacturing these two machines with various function for different material converting. We have more rich experience of converting various material and provide best solution to you. All sales and technical engineer in Binbao machine are graduated from famous university in China. Professional technical knowledge and English communication skill ensure that we can provide best consultant and after sales service. If you need special processing function in the slitting machine,our engineer teams can provide support to make customize machine to you according your real manufacturing demanding.
SLA-1800 Slitting Rewinding Machine In India | SLA-1600 Slitting Rewinding Machine In Russia |
Чили дэх Binbao SLA-1600 загварын машин Хэрэглэгчийн сайт
Цаас зүсэх эргүүлэх машин гэж юу вэ? Та машинаас ямар ашиг авч болох вэ?
The slitting machine is a pre-press and post-press equipment that cuts a large roll of paper, film, non-woven fabric, aluminum foil, mica tape and other thin materials into small rolls of different widths. It is often used in paper-making industry and paper packaging products manufacturing factories. For paper rolls processing and converting companies,our high speed and multi function paper slitting machine can help them to dramatically increase the producing capacity and efficient. The model paper slitting machine can make 20-500gsm paper rolls and minimum 30mm width small rolls. Only the one set machine can cover all your paper rolls converting demanding.For paper packaging products manufacturer,the machine can help you convert jumbo paper rolls into various width narrow rolls according your producing demanding. It not only help you save the cost of converting,but also you can more flexible to adjust your paper rolls in your warehouse.
What kind of paper slitting and rewinding can this machine be used for?
The SLA model machine is widely used in the paper roll converting industry,paper roll coating,laminating and so processing industry,paper printing products industry. In additional,it can cut customized width narrow rolls in paper container,paper cups,paper bags,paper core,paper tube forming factories.
What structure the SLA model paper slitting rewinding machine adopt?
The SLA model machine has two parts,jumbo roll unwinding unit and paper slitting&rewinding unit. There is a corridor designed in the middle of the two parts which make operator more easily to adjust the slitting knives and thread paper web into the machine. The unwinding unit include unwinding stand and web edge correction system. All rubber coated rollers and shafts in the slitting&rewinding unit are driven by three motors.In addition to the mechanical structure, the machine also has a large number of electrical and pneumatic structures.The structure is stable and reasonable for converting jumbo roll material into narrow width rolls.
What are the advantages of SLA series jumbo roll to narrow rolls slitting rewinding machine?
The new designed SLA series paper slitting rewinding machine can reach stable running with 500 meters per minute. It only need 20 minutes to finish a 10000 meters jumbo roll slitting and rewinding. It owns simple and easy operating HMI system,automatic adjustment tension control system,and so on intelligent functions. We will introduce more functions and advantages in below.
Which type slitting knives SLA model slitting rewinding machine adopt?
There are two common types slitting knives on the slitting rewinding machine market,razor blade knife and circle(round) blade knife.Classified by structure, it is divided into ordinary mechanical structure and pneumatic structure. Our SLA model machine adopt the mechanical round blade knife and pneumatic structure knife. It was made by high quality importing high speed alloy steel.
SLA загварын машин задлах тавиурын давуу тал юу вэ?
Цуврал зүсэх эргүүлэх машин задлах индэр нь нэгдсэн ган хүрээтэй бөгөөд үндсэн жин нь 1500 кг-аас давсан байна. Бидний мэдэж байгаагаар, суурь нь илүү хүнд байх тусам цаасан ороомогыг илүү тогтвортой, хэлбэлзэл багатай тайлдаг. Суллах нь илүү тогтвортой байх тусам бэлэн өнхрөх зүсэх гадаргууг илүү тэгш, өндөр нарийвчлалтай болгодог. Үүний зэрэгцээ задлах тавиур нь газрын тосны гидравлик цилиндрээр удирддаг хоёр хүчтэй гартай. Гар нь хамгийн ихдээ 1600 кг, хамгийн ихдээ 1500 мм диаметртэй жинг амархан өргөх боломжтой. Хоёр хүчирхэг гарыг шугаман хөтөч дээр бэхэлсэн бөгөөд ингэснээр цаасан цуваа нь дээш, доош, зүүн, баруун тийшээ хөдөлж чаддаг. Цаасны гол чак нь нэмэлт, механик төрөл, агаар тэлэх төрөл юм.
Манай зүсэгч эргүүлэх машин хэрхэн үйлдвэрлэгддэг вэ?
Захиалагчийн захиалгыг авсны дараа манай дизайны алба захиалагчийн хэрэгцээг хянаж, зураг зурах болно. Машин дээрх механик бүтцийн хэсгүүдийг өөрсдөө үйлдвэрлэдэг. Эд анги боловсруулах нарийвчлалыг хангах үүднээс ХБНГУ-аас оруулж ирсэн гурван CNC боловсруулах төвийг худалдан авлаа. Цахилгаан болон пневматик хэрэгслүүдийг алдартай компаниуд үйлдвэрлэдэг. Үйлдвэрлэлийн явцад манай QA болон QC хэлтэс нь компанийн стандартын дагуу дагалдах хэрэгслийн нарийвчлал, чанарыг хатуу шалгадаг. Машины угсралтыг манай туршлагатай ахмад механик инженерүүд гүйцэтгэдэг.
Манай борлуулалтын дараах үйлчилгээ бусдаас юугаараа ялгаатай вэ?
Олон улсын зүсэгч машин үйлдвэрлэгчийн хувьд бид англи хэл дээрх машины гарын авлагын ном, хэлхээний диаграм, механик бүтцийн диаграммыг бүрэн багцаар хангадаг. Манай борлуулалтын дараах үйлчилгээний инженерүүд англиар ярьж, үйлчлүүлэгчдийн операторуудтай хялбархан харилцаж чаддаг. Бид маш олон тооны машины ажиллагааны видео бичлэг хийсэн. Эдгээр нь энгийн бөгөөд ойлгоход хялбар бөгөөд үйлчлүүлэгчийн машинистуудад машинтай хурдан танилцаж, ажиллаж эхлэхэд тусалдаг. Бидний үйлдвэрлэсэн бүх машинууд интернетэд холбогдох боломжтой бөгөөд манай техникийн баг алсаас системийн алдааг шалгаж, параметрүүдийг тохируулах, үйлчлүүлэгчдэд зориулсан бусад үйлчилгээ